I'm Georgie, as you probably guessed. I'm 20, but I'll be 21 on the 10th December - yay! I'm quite a normal height, probably average weight, brown eyes, brown hair, all the normal boring stuff. This is me:
I live at home with my Mum, and I have been with my boyfriend, Alex, for almost 3 years now. Wow. That seems like such a long time. It's flown by though. I'm at uni at the moment, I study in Winchester but live at home in Surrey. I study Psychology and Child Development and I love it. I'm a proper bookworm, I love normal books, my Kindle, magazines, blogs, anything. Just love reading. I love sleep, too. And food. Oh, God, that's not good. I love to make lists, I make a new to do list almost every single day. I just love that feeling of crossing off something that I've achieved. Sometimes I even start my to do list with a few things I've already done, it makes it look as though I've done more than I have. Hehe.
I drive, I have a Vauxhall Corsa - it's my baby. Literally my life. My freedom is within that car. I can go anywhere, do anything. Just love it. I've been driving for almost 4 years now, that's also quite scary. It's so messy though - like a dumping ground for things discarded from my life. Shoes, clothes, blankets, Alex's clothes, food wrappers, empty chewing gum pots, CDs, wires (God knows what they're even for), drinks, the lot.
I love a diary, too. A diary that I think is a good idea, but I actually don't use. Sometimes I'll write in the odd thing like how many hours I've worked in the week, or I might write in things that I've actually done already and just think I should have written down. Oh well. I'll get the hang of it one day.
I've been thinking about starting a blog for ages now... But not one of those blogs that just bangs on about fashion, and the latest things that companies have sent me to trial out for free. I'm not really interested in that kinda stuff. To be honest, as much as I love those kinds of blogs, I don't think I've got the time to do it. It's not my career choice, just some fun. I usually read blogs that I can relate to, so stuff about hair, some clothes, make up, new bath bombs, cushions, candles, designer shoes and handbags... That kinda mush. Usual, every day crap. I guess it's a case of being a bit nosey - who's been out buying what? What new creams are out there that will help me when my face gets dry in the winter? What's that lipstick shade? You know the drill. I do want to have a little bit of structure here, though. Separate parts of my blog for separate parts of my life.. We'll see. It might be crap and I might end up with nothing. Never know!
Wish me luck, and I hope you enjoy it.
With love, Georgie x
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