I always used to think people were soooooo cheesey and cringe when they were like, 'Oh I've met the love of my life, my soul mate etc etc etc.' But, now I get it. I honestly do. There is nobody in the world (that I've met, anyway), that is like my Alex. He's very tall, very gentle, very kind, loving, caring. He's thoughtful. He makes me tea, runs me nice hot baths, lights candles. He buys me food (always important), he picks up Minion merchandise, bakes cakes with me, rubs my tummy when I have bad period pain. He even sets my favourite shows to record on the Sky box when I forget. No more missing KUWTK.
Since being with Alex, my life has changed in so many ways. I became a new person when I met him. I was 17, so young and naive. I was shy, so painfully shy - that's not to say I'm loud and confident now, but I don't feel so anxious when I go somewhere new or meet somebody for the first time. I dunno, things are just different now.
With Al, I've achieved a lot - he took me to uni on my first day, moved me in - I bawled my eyes out and hated him when he left, but c'est la vie! Going to uni was hard when I had a boyfriend, but FaceTime, surprise trips home, and long sleepless (uncomfortable) nights in my single bed in Winchester kept us going. We actually managed it really well. I remember coming home one night while Alex was out with his friends from work... His mum picked me up from the train station, and I left all my bags in the back of her car. When he got home, I was hiding in his bed under all the blankets. He got in the bed and when he found me in it, he cried - soz, Al! But he did. He grabbed me so hard and just squeezed me until I could barely gasp for air. But I loved it. We spent the weekend together and watched crap TV, ate way too much food, and just enjoyed normal life again.
We've done some crazy things together, like walking over the O2 arena, blagging our way into a free penthouse suite in Bristol, walked over Brunel's bridge - scariest thing EVER - but good. We go for weekends away in Bristol, Birmingham (CADBURY WORLD = DREAM COME TRUE), Manchester, sometimes we just stay in Winchester when I have a heavy set of lectures. He's good. I just say where I wanna go, and he somehow makes it happen. No complaints, bless him.
He's my best friend in so many ways, but I'd say he knows me more than I know myself. He knows my mood, just by the way I text... He knows when I'm not feeling good, or if something is on my mind.. He knows when I'm nervous about something, or he knows when I think I've messed up somehow. He always knows when I'm lying or trying to keep something from him - I always end up telling him what his Christmas presents are, or what I've booked for his birthday. Oops. I just can't keep secrets, and I'm terrible at lying.
He'll probably think this is cringey, but I don't care. He knows I'm a creeper, have planned our whole wedding, what our first home will look like and the names of all our children. He has told me I'm not quite ready to be a wife though, my Wife Skill CV isn't quite up to scratch just yet. But I'm getting there. Slowly, but very surely.
Thanks for everything, babe. You're one in a million and I'm lucky to have you.
With love, Georgie x
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