Girls.... If you know, you know.
I am not usually the type of girl to get a bit bummed out if I don't buy a product before it sells out. Ok, I was a little bit disappointed I missed out on the ABH Shadow Couture palette, which I ended up buying for 3x its value in the end, and I've been a bit heartbroken when I've missed out on a couple of Mulberry bags that I've wanted, but never have I really been that bothered.
When Kylie Jenner announced she was releasing some lip products, I was like "Oh, ok, cool.". Like, really unbothered. Then I saw some of the colours and I was a little bit more like "Oh, ok, they look nice." And then they were actually released, and I saw real life people wearing the colours, and my heart broke. I couldn't believe how unbothered I had been! They were just gorgeous, and I'd never tried liquid lipsticks before, so it made me even more curious.
That was 10 weeks ago. TEN WEEKS! So, I sat on YouTube, watched Lip Kit reviews, looked at swatches, compared the shades on different beautiful skin tones, and decided that I'd give them a go if I ever could get my hands on them.
So please imagine my joy when I checked Kylie's SnapChat one day, and noticed that she was restocking, not just the originals, but with three new shades for Valentine's Day.
So, ok, be calm. I looked more into it, and saw that she wasn't giving an actual release date or time, just check back the next morning. So there I was, sat in bed, looking at the time in Calabasas compared to Surrey, and I knew I'd have to wait until the next evening at home. So, around 4pm I looked at the time in Calabasas, and it was 8am there... I thought it could have been a bit too early, so I went on to the website and it just said COMING SOON - better than the last time I had looked, when it just said that everything was sold out! So at 5pm GMT, which was 9am their time, I looked again, and the website had changed. This time, the website basically said it was being restocked and to follow a hashtag for updates. Great. I was fuming! All that, just for the website to tell me it was being restocked!??!?! I knew that from all the Snaps and tweets and Insta posts!! Fuming!!!
For some reason, I just decided to refresh the page, and there it was, in all it's beauty. The page. The page which showed me 6 shades of Lip Kits, all available to buy.

I know a lot of people wanted to try these kits, and they had sold out within about 15 minutes. When I showed Alex the website, I think even he was a bit taken back. I hope that helped him understand why I was so set on getting them!
I'm so excited to try the new shades, and although I won't get my Lip Kits by Valentine's Day, I'm hoping that I will have them by the end of the month so I can take them away with me for Alex's 25th birthday.

If you wish, I'm happy to do a post reviewing these Lip Kits, or I have recently thought about starting a YouTube channel, as it's so much easier to interact with people I think. Let me know!
With love, Georgie x
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