I'm such a big kid, it's unreal. Christmas is my favourite time of the year! November hasn't even finished yet, and I'm already watching Christmas movies, buying my presents and wrapping until my heart is content! I've finished all my Christmas shopping apart from a couple of bits that I need to get from Bluewater, and I feel so good about it all being done this early! The next week or two will be hectic and full of delivery after delivery, but that's pretty exciting too. I feel like I've treated myself when I get a delivery, even if it's not for me. That saying about living another 3-5 working days really is true for me.....
I know my postman so well now, he always makes jokes about me being a shopaholic, and, well, I guess he's not wrong!
Alex and I managed to keep Christmas down to around £500. Sounds like quite a lot to some people, but I guess with 8 nieces and nephews between us, the pennies add up. Let alone mums, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters and a few dogs. Yay for dog presents at Christmas - hope you like it Ben!

I'm so excited to show you my Christmas tree! I stuck with silver baubles, as I just think it looks so classy. White lights are a must, and a cute star on the top. Yay! I am so excited to put more of my presents under it, and watch it twinkle every night - I'm so sad!
We usually have a fake tree, but last year and this year, I decided that I'd had enough of fake trees, and so off we went to buy a real one.
We went to Woodcote Nurseries, and picked up this absolute beauty. It was sooooooo hard picking a tree! There are so many to pick from, so many different styles, colours, shapes, heights, widths - but after a lot of deliberation and a lot of choice, I finally picked the tree. And here it is!
As promised, silver baubles, white lights, sparkly star. Goes so well with my pink, white and silver wrapping paper. Even more presents were delivered today, so they will go under there when they're wrapped and ready - yay!
With Christmas coming so fast, Uni is getting a bit more stressful. I've got a few assignments due in, and I've also got two exams which I'm absolutely crapping myself about.... Eeeek! I just need to remind myself that as soon as they are done, I get to come home and find out where I'm going for my 21st birthday, and pack to leave the next morning - stress! I literally pack for a holiday about 3 months before I go, so I have no idea how I'm gonna manage to pack for 5 days away merely hours before I have to leave. Send help or packing guides please!
When my exams are over, although I'll still be working, things will start to slow down. I love lazy days with a nice hot chocolate, fluffy socks, blankets and Christmas films on TV. I love candles, they are just so relaxing and make the house smell like Christmas - is that even a thing? I think so. I hope so. I've bought a gingerbread house making kit this year, so I can't wait to make that! Does anyone know how long it will last before it goes a bit stale and dry? Not sure when's the best time to make it, really.
Although Christmas is a time that can be so emotional for me since the loss of my Dad, I really try to make such an effort to keep my spirits up and enjoy the festivities with my loved ones that I have around me. I love spending Christmas morning with the children, and giving presents is my favourite thing in the world. Seeing their little faces light up when they open something they've been wanting, and hearing their stories about them seeing Father Christmas - nothing beats it. I am going to do a lot of Christmas baking this year too, on top of my gingerbread house. Sausage rolls, mince pies, jam tarts - baking is my happy place, and I feel so relaxed when I bake. I think sometimes my family prefer food to presents!

I'm really happy with my gift choices this year, I've really bought people thoughtful gifts. I'm especially excited for people like my sister, as I've picked her out the most amazingly perfect presents, thanks to some new products that have only recently just been released! I can't wait to give it to her. Same as my Nan & Grandad, I've bought them something that they really just wouldn't expect. I just can't wait for them to see it! Fingers crossed my little Nan is home for Christmas. Lots of hopes and wishes there.

Speaking of gifts, I did a little extra job at work this week and managed to bag myself £50 for it. Dream! So, I popped into Croydon and treated myself. I picked up the Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel cream, and my goodness it's beautiful. Although, with it being Black Friday, I think I tortured myself just for a little tiny treat. But it was worth it. Chanel is always worth it. Just look at how perfect it is! I may or may not have picked up a few little treats for other people while I was there too... But you'll have to just wait and see!
I'm well and truly on the Christmas countdown!
What's on your Christmas list this year?
With love, Georgie x
I know my postman so well now, he always makes jokes about me being a shopaholic, and, well, I guess he's not wrong!
Alex and I managed to keep Christmas down to around £500. Sounds like quite a lot to some people, but I guess with 8 nieces and nephews between us, the pennies add up. Let alone mums, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters and a few dogs. Yay for dog presents at Christmas - hope you like it Ben!
I'm so excited to show you my Christmas tree! I stuck with silver baubles, as I just think it looks so classy. White lights are a must, and a cute star on the top. Yay! I am so excited to put more of my presents under it, and watch it twinkle every night - I'm so sad!
We usually have a fake tree, but last year and this year, I decided that I'd had enough of fake trees, and so off we went to buy a real one.
We went to Woodcote Nurseries, and picked up this absolute beauty. It was sooooooo hard picking a tree! There are so many to pick from, so many different styles, colours, shapes, heights, widths - but after a lot of deliberation and a lot of choice, I finally picked the tree. And here it is!
As promised, silver baubles, white lights, sparkly star. Goes so well with my pink, white and silver wrapping paper. Even more presents were delivered today, so they will go under there when they're wrapped and ready - yay!
With Christmas coming so fast, Uni is getting a bit more stressful. I've got a few assignments due in, and I've also got two exams which I'm absolutely crapping myself about.... Eeeek! I just need to remind myself that as soon as they are done, I get to come home and find out where I'm going for my 21st birthday, and pack to leave the next morning - stress! I literally pack for a holiday about 3 months before I go, so I have no idea how I'm gonna manage to pack for 5 days away merely hours before I have to leave. Send help or packing guides please!
When my exams are over, although I'll still be working, things will start to slow down. I love lazy days with a nice hot chocolate, fluffy socks, blankets and Christmas films on TV. I love candles, they are just so relaxing and make the house smell like Christmas - is that even a thing? I think so. I hope so. I've bought a gingerbread house making kit this year, so I can't wait to make that! Does anyone know how long it will last before it goes a bit stale and dry? Not sure when's the best time to make it, really.
Although Christmas is a time that can be so emotional for me since the loss of my Dad, I really try to make such an effort to keep my spirits up and enjoy the festivities with my loved ones that I have around me. I love spending Christmas morning with the children, and giving presents is my favourite thing in the world. Seeing their little faces light up when they open something they've been wanting, and hearing their stories about them seeing Father Christmas - nothing beats it. I am going to do a lot of Christmas baking this year too, on top of my gingerbread house. Sausage rolls, mince pies, jam tarts - baking is my happy place, and I feel so relaxed when I bake. I think sometimes my family prefer food to presents!
I'm really happy with my gift choices this year, I've really bought people thoughtful gifts. I'm especially excited for people like my sister, as I've picked her out the most amazingly perfect presents, thanks to some new products that have only recently just been released! I can't wait to give it to her. Same as my Nan & Grandad, I've bought them something that they really just wouldn't expect. I just can't wait for them to see it! Fingers crossed my little Nan is home for Christmas. Lots of hopes and wishes there.
Speaking of gifts, I did a little extra job at work this week and managed to bag myself £50 for it. Dream! So, I popped into Croydon and treated myself. I picked up the Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel cream, and my goodness it's beautiful. Although, with it being Black Friday, I think I tortured myself just for a little tiny treat. But it was worth it. Chanel is always worth it. Just look at how perfect it is! I may or may not have picked up a few little treats for other people while I was there too... But you'll have to just wait and see!
I'm well and truly on the Christmas countdown!
What's on your Christmas list this year?
With love, Georgie x
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